What Is a Dental Implant?

What Is a Dental Implant?

What is a dental implant? A dental implant is a tooth root made of suitable material, placed for treatment purposes to replace lost teeth, and capable of fusing with bone tissue and functioning like a natural tooth. Dental implants offer much better chewing function compared to other bridges and dentures, and are also superior in terms of aesthetics and durability. Nowadays, dental implant treatments have become the top choice for most cases of tooth loss, and are the preferred treatment alternative over other options.

A dental implant (also called an endosseous implant or screw-in tooth) consists of an implant placed into the jawbone and the abutment, which is the upper part of the implant. Dental implants are alternatives to tooth roots, not teeth. The connection between the implants placed in the jawbone and the prosthetic teeth is provided by an intermediate piece called the abutment. Nowadays, dental implants are commonly made of titanium. Implants of different diameters and sizes are used depending on the location of the teeth and the quality of the bone. Generally, there are three types of implants. Root form implants are the most commonly used products that mimic tooth roots and are placed in the jawbone. Zygomatic implants are implants that extend to the cheekbone, passing through the maxillary sinus when there is insufficient jawbone. Mini implants are single-piece, low-diameter implants used for holding a prosthesis or for orthodontic treatment.

After the implant is placed, a close bond to the bone is formed, leading to fusion with the bone through a biological process. They are placed in areas determined during the planning stage at different angles. The placement of implants in specific regions and forms is crucial not only for treatment success but also for the compatibility and aesthetics of the prosthesis to be made on the implant. In cases where there is insufficient bone quality, the bone quality in the relevant area is increased with graft and membrane applications before treatment. After fusion, the upper part of the implant is placed, and the implant-supported prosthesis (teeth that will be visible in your mouth and provide chewing function) is made. Implants can be applied for fixed prostheses, as well as for removable prostheses (dentures) when an adequate number of implants cannot be placed in the required areas. Implant-supported removable prostheses can be much more functional and sturdy compared to standard removable prostheses.

With proper treatment, an implant can perform its functions problem-free for a lifetime in a mouth where oral and dental care is well-maintained. Problems that may be experienced in implant-supported prostheses can be resolved by repairing or replacing the prostheses. Implant loss can occur due to infections, gum diseases, etc., in the treatment area. If the infection or disease cannot be treated and the implant cannot be saved, it may be necessary to remove the implant in place and place a new implant in the relevant area, provided that there is sufficient bone quality. We achieve successful results thanks to the best implant brands.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an implant and what are its advantages? Implants are more advantageous than other methods. In other methods, when an artificial tooth is to be made to replace missing teeth, a bridge must be created to stabilize the tooth. In order for this bridge to be applied, the two healthy teeth to the right and left of the gap must be cut. In dental implants, a titanium root is placed in the bone and fixed to the jawbone, so there is no need to interfere with healthy teeth.

They provide more effective usage in terms of chewing and retention compared to other artificial tooth applications. Other prostheses need to be removed and reattached for cleaning, and they must be removed completely at night. Implants, on the other hand, are cleaned along with your natural teeth and do not have a removable system. The quality of use in social life is quite high. Additionally, implants protect the jawbone and prevent bone loss, which in turn prevents distortions in facial shape.


After the procedure, it is essential to follow the recommendations given by your doctor. The prescribed medications should be taken regularly. Ice should be applied within the first 24 hours after the procedure. It is important to wait for the numbness to wear off completely and not eat or drink anything during this time. For three days, hot food and drinks, acidic and alcoholic beverages should be avoided. Showering with very hot water should be avoided. Gargling should not be done on the first day. After meals, the treatment area should be cleaned thoroughly.
